Information for Faculty
iAlert, using iAdvise to nudge students to success! Heading link
Early Alerts now uses iAlert, a component of iAdvise, to streamline communicating with students and advisors to assist students to succeed in their courses and successfully complete their degrees.
iAdvise is accessed through in the Faculty Staff tab. Instructions for entering alerts are found in each section below. (Short instructional videos are available! Access them below.)
*Keep in mind that iAdvise sends messages to students for each alert that is entered. Some suggestions for language that encourages students to take action are:
- Be encouraging: reinforce that it’s normal for students to encounter challenges, and they need to know if they can pass the class IF they change what they’re doing now, while there’s still time (and if not, that withdrawing may be a better option to discuss with their advisor).
- Example: “If you begin to get frustrated, be sure to communicate with me about your progress so I can provide support to you. I am confident you can learn this with the right support.”
- (More examples taken from actual alerts raised by instructors are below.)
- Be specific: There’s a difference between a “shouldvitation,” e.g., “You should come to office hours” and an invitation, e.g., “I’m hosting office hours this Thursday at 3pm.” Giving instructions will be more effective than giving suggestions. Direct students to at the very least email you (or their advisor).
- Direct to resources: Give specific tutoring resources you recommend, or recommend a student work with a Peer Success Coach on soft skills (e.g., time management strategies, study skills, notetaking, reviewing the syllabus to calculate their grade, etc.), for example.
Examples from Previous Alerts Heading link
Below are some examples from Early Alerts sent by UIC Faculty in previous administrations.
- “Course attendance is low. Remember that attendance is factored into your grade. If a situation arises that would prevent you from coming to class you should contact me by email beforehand.”
- “Remember, mastering [this material] requires practice, so be sure to actively engage with the material to solidify your knowledge and problem-solving skills”
- “It is not unusual to struggle in this class.”
- “The next exam is in [2 weeks]. It is crucial that you do not wait to take action.”
- “You must commit to [attend all remaining classes and turn in all the remaining assignments on time] or consider withdrawing from the course.”
- “At this point, the highest grade you can receive for the class is [still an A]”
- “Please feel free to reach out to me anytime: before the class, after the class, during my office hours, or via email.”
- “Always let me know if you have to miss class for some reason.”
- “You still have time to turn around the result.”
- “Your current score in the class is a bit low (just below the cutoff to receive this alert). There is certainly time to turn things around, but you need to take action. Feel free to reach out to me if you have questions about how better to study for exams.”
- “I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge your great performance in class so far.”
- “I want to make sure you are aware that you are still registered for the course because you did not take the first exam. Please reach out to an academic adviser if you want to try to adjust your status.”
Instructions for Faculty
New this semester! Heading link
LARES is piloting a new “Let Us Know How We Can Help” To-Do that they will raise on LARES students in response to “Please Work With Your Advisor” level flags. This gives the student a method of responding to the outreach directly through iAdvise and informing those in the network at the same time. (More information about this To-Do is available at the Information for Advisors page.
Early Alerts Courses Heading link
First-Year Seminars
Spring 2025 alerts are entered starting Monday, January 27th and ending Monday, February 3rd.
First-Year Seminar Alerts are designed to provide advisors and students with the opportunity to address challenges that may indicate a need for assistance in transitioning to college.
AHS 100, AHS 101, BA 101, BIOS 102, DHD 100, DLG 120, ED 151, ENGR 100, EPSY 150, HIM 101, HN 100, HON 101, ISA 100, KN 100, LAS 110, PUBH 105, UPA 120, UPA 121
ENGR 100 will enter alerts during week 3 and during week 10 for students in appropriate sections.
Alerts ONLY need to be entered for students who may be currently receiving a D/F/U. Instructors have the option to enter alerts for students who are doing fine academically, but for whom there are other concerns. Although optional, presenting those concerns provides helpful information for advisors to address underlying issues that could be impeding a student’s academic success.
If you have any students now getting a D/F/U, please log into iAdvise in my.UIC edu on the Faculty/Staff Tab and select the Progress Surveys Links for the courses listed in your Home page.
If you have no students getting a D/F/U, you can simply click submit in your iAdvise Progress Survey.
Download the Instructions for Faculty (above) for more in depth information about Early Alerts and instructions for entering alerts.
English, Foreign Language, and Linguistics Alerts
Spring 2025 Alerts entry will begin on Monday, February 3rd and Early Alerts are due by Monday,
February 10th for English and foreign language faculty.
Alerts ONLY need to be entered for students who may be currently receiving a D/F/U. Instructors have the option to enter alerts for students who are doing fine academically, but for whom there are other concerns. Although optional, presenting those concerns provides helpful information for advisors to address underlying issues that could be impeding a student’s academic success.
If you have any students now getting a D/F/U, please log into iAdvise in my.UIC edu on the Faculty/Staff Tab and select the Progress Surveys Links for the courses listed in your Home page.
If you have no students getting a D/F/U, you can simply click submit in your iAdvise Progress Survey.
Download the Instructions for Faculty (above) for more in depth information about Early Alerts and instructions for entering alerts.
Business Core Course Alerts
Spring 2025 Business Core Alerts (ACTG 210 & 211; BA 200; FIN 300; IDS 200, 270 & 355; MGMT 340 & 350; and MKTG 360) open on Monday, February 10th and end on Sunday, March 2nd.
Alerts ONLY need to be entered for students who may be currently receiving a D/F/U. Instructors have the option to enter alerts for students who are doing fine academically, but for whom there are other concerns. Although optional, presenting those concerns provides helpful information for advisors to address underlying issues that could be impeding a student’s academic success.
If you have any students now getting a D/F/U, please log into iAdvise in my.UIC edu on the Faculty/Staff Tab and select the Progress Surveys Links for the courses listed in your Home page. (Only hit submit once per course. Once you submit the survey, if you have additional alerts, you will have to enter each item individually.)
If you have no students getting a D/F/U, you can simply click submit in your iAdvise Progress Survey.
Download the Instructions for Faculty (above) for more in-depth information about Early Alerts and instructions for entering alerts.
Math Alerts
For Fall 2024 instructors of MATH 090, 110, 118, 121, 125, 140, 141, 165 180, 181, 210, 220, STAT 101, and STAT 130 alerts open on Monday, February 3rd and end on Sunday, March 2nd on the following schedule:
- MATH 090: Monday, February 10th – Sunday, February 23rd (Week 5 through Week 6)
- MATH 105: Monday, February 10th – Sunday, February 23rd (Week 5 through Week 6)
- MATH 110: Monday, February 17th – Sunday, March 2nd (Week 6 through Week 7)
- MATH 121: Monday, February 10th – Sunday, February 23rd (Week 5 through Week 6)
- MATH 125: Monday, February 17th – Sunday, March 2nd (Week 6 through Week 7)
- MATH 140: Managed via iAlert (i.e., flags will be raised independently)
- MATH 141: Managed via iAlert (i.e., flags will be raised independently)
- MATH 160: Monday, February 17th – Sunday, March 2nd (Week 6 through Week 7)
- MATH 165: Monday, February 17th – Sunday, March 2nd (Week 6 through Week 7)
- MATH 170: Monday, February 3rd – Sunday, February 16th (Week 4 through Week 5)
- MATH 180: Monday, February 3rd – Sunday, February 16th (Week 4 through Week 5)
- MATH 181: February 10th – Sunday, February 23rd (Week 5 through Week 6)
- MATH 210: Monday, February 3rd – Sunday, February 16th (Week 4 through Week 5)
- MATH 220: Monday, February 3rd – Sunday, February 16th (Week 4 thorugh Week 5)
- STAT 101: Monday, February 17th – Sunday, March 2nd (Week 6 through Week 7)
- STAT 130: Monday, February 17th – Sunday, March 2nd (Week 6 through Week 7)
Alerts ONLY need to be entered for students who may be currently receiving a D/F/U. Instructors have the option to enter alerts for students who are doing fine academically, but for whom there are other concerns. Although optional, presenting those concerns provides helpful information for advisors to address underlying issues that could be impeding a student’s academic success.
If you have any student now getting a D/F/U, please log into iAdvise in my.UIC edu on the Faculty/Staff Tab and select the Progress Surveys Links for the courses listed in your Home page. (Only hit submit once per course. Once you submit the survey, if you have additional alerts, you will have to enter each item individually.)
If you have no students getting a D/F/U, you can simply click submit in your iAdvise Progress Survey.
Download the Instructions for Faculty (above) for more in depth information about Early Alerts and instructions for entering alerts.
Chemistry and Physics Alerts
For Fall 2024 instructors of CHEM 101, 115, 122, 124, and 232, and PHYS 141 and 142 course alerts open on Monday, February 3rd and end on Sunday, March 2nd. They are timed by the instructors after grading of a first exam, or in the case of physics, there will be two alerts – one after the first quiz and one after the first exam.
Alerts ONLY need to be entered for students who may be currently receiving a D/F/U. Instructors have the option to enter alerts for students who are doing fine academically, but for whom there are other concerns. Although optional, presenting those concerns provides helpful information for advisors to address underlying issues that could be impeding a student’s academic success.
If you have any student now getting a D/F/U, please log into iAdvise in my.UIC edu on the Faculty/Staff Tab and select the Students tab in iAdvise and change the “connections” to the appropriate course. Then you will select the students in the course and raise a flag for “Early Alert” and the appropriate level (“Please Take Action,” “Please Work with Your Advisor,” or “Urgent”. Select the course from the dropdown menu. There is text that will be sent to the student(s) by default; you may edit it, or you may simply hit submit.
Download the Instructions for Faculty (above) for more in depth information about Early Alerts and instructions for entering alerts.
If you are responsible for multiple courses in the early alerts program, you must repeat the process for each course by changing the “connections” dropdown menu.
If you have no students getting a D/F/U in a course, simply send an email to indicating the appropriate CRN.
Kinesiology - Anatomy and Physiology Alerts
For Fall 2024 instructors of Kinesiology Anatomy and Physiology course alerts open on Monday, January 27th. They are timed by the instructors after grading of a first exam and subsequent exams and evaluations throughout the term.
Alerts ONLY need to be entered for students who may be currently receiving a D/F/U. Instructors have the option to enter alerts for students who are doing fine academically, but for whom there are other concerns. Although optional, presenting those concerns provides helpful information for advisors to address underlying issues that could be impeding a student’s academic success.
If you have any student now getting a D/F/U, please log into iAdvise in my.UIC edu on the Faculty/Staff Tab and select the Students tab in iAdvise and change the “connections” to the appropriate course. Then you will select the students in the course and raise a flag for “Early Alert” and the appropriate level (“Please Take Action,” “Please Work with Your Advisor,” or “Urgent”. Select the course from the dropdown menu. There is text that will be sent to the student(s) by default; you may edit it, or you may simply hit submit.
Download the Instructions for Faculty (above) for more in depth information about Early Alerts and instructions for entering alerts.