2020 – 2021 Advising Summits

For Fall 2020, the Advising Summit was held virtually in a series of virtual meetings and events being held throughout the term. Topics included - financial aid updates, a SAP Mini-Clinic, an advisor interactive group discussion about privacy and FERPA in a virtual setting, and our featured event was a viewing of NACADA Webinar presented by black male advising leaders that was brought into a UIC context with a panel of black male leaders in the UIC advising community.

The Spring 2021 Advising Summit was held on Friday, February 19th as a virtual morning event with presentations on study abroad, career services, financial aid, and UIC's new bias reporting tool.

We are continuing our initiative to provide essential news and information to advisors. We want to connect them with programs and units around campus that are serving students through their varied identities and affiliations continues with highlighting units that our advisors have requested.

Fall 2020 Advising Summit Series Heading link

Our Fall 2020 Advising Summit was held as a series of events.

Advising Summit Series:
Rather than one longer web event for Advising Summit, we will be hosting various events as part of our Advising Summit Series including needed updates for advisors, time to explore topics about advising in the virtual realm, and opportunities for learning and engaging together on topics in our targeted domains. We want you to save the dates for the following virtual events. All presentations will be

Fall 2020 Financial Aid Update and Q&A with Kiely Fletcher on October 22nd 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. (Zoom)

OAD Small Group Event – FERPA and Privacy in a Virtual Space  – on Wednesday, December 2nd at 10:00 a.m. (Zoom) – advisors will participate in a small group discussions in breakout rooms and a larger report out to explore the unique nature of FERPA, privacy, and navigating and techniques our own advising community have already developed and are using.

Spring 2021 Advising Summit Heading link

Our Spring 2021 Advising Summit was held the morning of Friday, February 19th in a virtual setting. We are grateful to all of our presenters. Following is the agenda and topics with recordings and materials where available:

Spring 20201 Advising Summit Agenda

Study Abroad Office (K. Rausch, Executive Director)

Office of Career Services (J. Riordan, Executive Director)

Financial Aid Update (K. Fletcher, Executive Director)

Bias Reporting Tool (J. Joslin, Director of UIC Dialogue Initiative and Diversity Education)

Summer Session Update (N. Kokorudz, Assistant Director of Summer Session)