Advisor on Fire Info & Nominations
Advisor on Fire is an opportunity to recognize any professional in an undergraduate advising or coaching role that is doing such an awesome job, you might say they are “on fire!” We ask that the recognition is about a moment of witnessed work or experiences that you believe are worthy of acknowledgement.
Advisor on Fire Details Heading link
Recognition will include an “Advisor on Fire” pen, a voucher to the UIC Bookstore, and a shoutout in the OAD newsletter and website.
Up to 10 people will be recognized monthly
Nominations are documented and rolled into future months if more than 10 are submitted
Recipients are eligible for recognition ONE time per semester (Fall, Spring, or Summer)

Nominate an Advisor on Fire... Heading link
Nominations can be made by students, colleagues, supervisors, faculty/staff, or collaborating departments and units.
Nominations are ongoing….they will not close.
Advisor on Fire Recognition Heading link
Advisor on Fire recipients are recognized monthly in Advising Weekly Updates. To see past winners, refer back to AWU or a list of recipients is available upon request.