Provost’s Excellence in Undergraduate Advising Award
The Provost has established the Excellence in Undergraduate Advising Award to acknowledge those professional advisors who are contributing to the UIC advising community and beyond.
Three paths to award Heading link
Awarded to a person who has made significant contributions to advising or coaching systems, processes, or methods advancing the practice here at UIC departmentally or campus wide.
- Must be a professional advisor or success coach
- Director level is not eligible for consideration of the award
- Must be in service at UIC for at least one Academic Year
- Nomination
- Nominee’s Resume/CV
- 3 letters of support: one of the three must be the nominee’s supervisor
- The initial nomination
- Reference one
- Reference two
- Supporting documentation as evidence of actual work that is source of nomination
Awarded to a person for promoting positive interactions and a commitment to the inclusion of persons of marginalized groups. Amplifying or promoting student opportunities through DEI activities. Contributions include innovations to encourage students from underrepresented populations to utilize resources, participate in programs, or creating opportunities for inclusion.
- Must be a professional advisor or success coach
- Director level is not eligible for consideration of the award
- Must be in service at UIC for at least one Academic Year
- Nomination
- Nominee’s Resume/CV
- 3 letters of support: one of the three must be the nominee’s supervisor
- The initial nomination
- Reference one
- Reference two
- Supporting documentation as evidence of actual work that is source of nomination
A person or persons has either:
- Been published for article with contributions impacting the scholarship of academic advising or success coaching, possibly shaping our understanding, theoretical foundations, or practices
- OR, presented at a conference or professionally about contributions impacting the scholarship of academic advising or success coaching, possibly shaping our understanding, theoretical foundations, or practices
- Must be a professional advisor or success coach
- Must be in service at UIC for at least one Academic Year (if a group: At least one group member meets this criteria)
- Could be given to a group (Prize would be divided among all group members)
- Nomination
- Nominee’s Resume/CV
- 3 letters of support: one of the three must be the nominee’s supervisor
- The initial nomination
- Reference one
- Reference two
- A copy of article or Presentation to determine:
- Relevance to the overall field of academic advising or to one specific aspect of academic advising
- Influence on the advancement of the field of academic advising or success coaching
- Influence on the advancement of scholarship in the field of academic advising or success coaching
Provost's Excellence Award: Heading link
One prize of $1500 is awarded to the Provost Excellence recipient(s), plus a professional association membership up to $250

Nomination Process: Heading link
Nominations can be made by supervisors, colleagues, or collaborative departments/units.
Please use the following link to submit a nomination. In doing such you will launch a workflow: 1) the nominator fills out the first portion and attaches a letter and any supporting documentation; 2) the nominee is alerted, they accept or deny the nomination, upload their resume and any supporting documentation they want to include, and provide the NetIDs of two references; 3) emails are sent to the references, each reference fills out their portion, uploads their letter and any supporting documents they want to include; 4) notification is sent to the committee the submission is complete.
- March 28, 2025: Last day to initiate a new nomination
- April 4, 2025: Last opportunity for a nominee to accept nomination
- Nominees can accept any time after the nomination is initiated up until this date
- April 18, 2025: All Reference materials and supplemental materials are due
*For technical help with the nomination forms, please email