ADVISING WEEKLY UPDATE for 3-20-20: Update from OAD and plans for some virtual Advisor Week events!

Hello everyone,

We are writing to you this evening with our Advising Weekly Update. Our announcements and iAdvise tips will return soon, but today we in OAD want to express our desire to support you, the members of our vibrant, wonderful advising community, in this unique and unprecedented time.

We are in awe of you as you have moved so quickly and worked so hard to transition to a virtual community within just a few days. There has been much creativity, intense planning and detailed work to develop new processes in a short time.

We have had some bumps in the road and some hills to climb, and those will continue as navigate these new waters, we get further information and news locally and from around the world, and we respond to the needs of our students, our families, and ourselves.  Yet we remain a community that is connected and strong. I've witnessed our advisors and administrators reaching out within group settings and individually to support each other with resources, information, but also with humor and encouragement. This is honestly no surprise to me and one of the reasons that we in OAD are privileged to support you in your endeavors.

Like many of you, we have been taking things one day at a time, but planning and thinking professional development is what makes us tick, so we've already got some things we're planning for you so that we can virtually connect, share, learn, and be together. We're still getting some of our details set, but next week we're working on:

    • Virtual Happy Hour - Thursday, March 26th at 4:00 p. -
      •  We'll be hosting a Zoom room virtual happy hour. Some of you have already hosted Virtual Water Cooler meet ups and Virtual Happy Hours and we're going to do it OAD style!
    • Yoga Class with AHS's Rachel Najdzin - Date and Time TBD
      • We are so excited to have Rachel Najdzin from the College of Applied Health Sciences hosting a virtual yoga class. We will be back to you with details of day and time and online location early in the week! Grab your yoga mat and join us for this special treat from one of our very own!
    • Coffee Talk Discussion - "Best Practices for Advising Online" - Wednesday, March 25th - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
      • We've been reading articles in abundance about migrating advising to an online format. Join us for a discussion about what you've been doing and we'll talk through tips we've reviewed. (Although more home office related, some of these tips may include creative solutions to not having your office chair...)

Please join us if you want next week because we would love to see you, but know that if this isn't a time where you can join us and need to attend to other aspects of life, you have our unending support and our warmest thoughts are with you and yours. We appreciate you and all you do.

Please reach out to Joey ( or Nick ( with questions.

All our best,
Joey and Nick

Office for Advising Development
2722 UH and 2710 UH