SHARE WITH STUDENTS: Wellness Center Skillbuilder Events on 1/15 and 1/22
Please share these events presented by the Wellness Center with your students:
Both events are scheduled on Friday afternoons at 4 p.m. and they utilize the same event link:
- Skillbuilder: Time Management for the Busy Student/ Friday, January 15th at 4:00pm
- Description: Are you in control of your time and tasks, or do you feel your tasks are in control of you? Come to this workshop to learn how to use time effectively and efficiently. In this short but fun workshop, you'll learn the obstacles of time management, why we procrastinate, how to get organized and healthy skills and habits to manage productivity and stress. For more information visit and or email us at
- Register at:
- Skillbuilder: Study Smart /Friday, January 22nd at 4:00pm
- Description: This session explores how humans learn. Participants will be introduced to 4 styles of studying, 7 styles of learning, unproductive study habits, and how stress negatively affects learning. If you feel like you studied hard but get to the test and realize you didn’t study enough then this workshop is for you! Once you know, you will be able to study more effectively! For more information visit and or email us at
- Register at: