SHARE WITH STUDENTS: Pre-Law Advising Reminders and Midyear Update

1) It’s come to light that not everyone across campus is aware that although Pre-Law Advising is housed in LAS, Pre-Law advising appointments and services are available to all UIC students and alumni. Advisors from all UIC colleges should refer interested students to Pre-Law Advising. LAS students should log onto Insight to schedule pre-law appointments. Non-LAS students and alumni can request appointments by email to:

2) Check out the Pre-Law Advising website for events (updated as programming is added) and information about pre-law services. Please encourage students to do the same.

3) Please take a few minutes to review the PRE-LAW ADVISING MIDYEAR UPDATE 2019-20 which highlights pre-law programming from the fall 2019 semester and provides a brief look at what to expect during the spring 2020 semester.