SHARE WITH STUDENTS: Pop-Up Pantry is open! Information and a downloadable flyer to share with students…

Message from Carol Petersen of the Wellness Center about the Pop-Up Pantry:

For your convenience here is a downloadable informational Pantry poster. Please share these resources with students as you see fit. As a senior administrator you should know that if you are working with a student who is experiencing a life crisis, where access to food would help, just let me know and we can open the Pantry on any day for the student to shop.

Also, please let students know that the UIC Pop-Up Pantry is:

  • Open and serving students every Wednesday and Thursday from 1 to 4:00pm
  • The Pantry offers fresh fruit, vegetables, milk, cereal, eggs and sometimes cheese and yogurt.
  • Registration for the Pantry has been suspended
  • The Pantry is currently housed in a temporary larger location that allows for physical distancing.  It is in Student Center East Tower Room 603.  We will have this space only until December.
  • The Wellness Center also has a select number of resources to provide to student who are housing insecure

Wising you continued wellness,


Carol Petersen, M.Ed.
Director UIC Health Education and Wellness
Wellness Center
Pop-Up Pantry (Co-Founder)
DFSCA Compliance Manager
750 S. Halsted Street suite 238
Chicago, IL 60607