SHARE WITH STUDENTS: Open Seats in Spring 2022 GLAS/HIST 290: Techno-Orientalism

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Please encourage students to register for GLAS/HIST 290: Techno-Orientalism, a new course taught by Dr. Clare Kim meeting MW 4:30-5:45.

Course description: From aliens, coolies, and yellow peril to model minority, techies, and sub-human quants, representations of Asians and Asian Americans have become tethered to the scientific and technological. This course examines the entanglements of race, politics, science, and technology in the Pacific world from the late nineteenth century to the present. Through the lens of techno-Orientalism—an expansion and inversion of Edward Said’s formulation—we consider the historical conditions that have recast the East, from an imagined Orient suspended in an eternal state of stagnation, to a technoscientific Orient fetishized as the exotic future.

Topics covered include colonialism and imperialism; cyborgs and computing; digital labor and embodiment; biosecurity and intellectual property; migration and the information economy.

For questions, please contact Clare Kim (