SHARE WITH STUDENTS: Off-Campus Housing Fair is being held March 10th 5 – 7 p.m.!
Please share with your students:
Attend the Off-Campus Housing Fair (March 10 – 5PM-7PM)
Hello UIC students! We hope this message finds you well.
It's that time again. We are excited to invite you to our annual Off-Campus Housing Far. Please read on for more details on what you can expect.
Off-Campus Housing Fair
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
5PM-7PM - Student Center East, East Terrace
Learn more about the apartment search process.
Meet with property managers and connect with campus resources.
Enter to win a door prize just by attending! Prizes include a pour over coffee maker, panini press, and more!
Whether you are a seasoned apartment searcher or new to the process - we're here to help!
Commuter and Off-Campus Life Team