SHARE WITH STUDENTS: News from Engineering – CS 112 and CS 113 are the newly developed CS 111 Equivalents for Non-Computer Science Majorsm and new Gen Ed Course CME 112!

News from the College of Engineering:

CS 112 and CS 113 - Computer Science for Non-Computer Science Majors:
CS 111 is now restricted to students admitted into the College of Engineering. The Computer Science Dept has created CS 112 and CS 113 these are new sections equivalent to CS 111 but opened to all non-engineering majors. Computer Science Intercollege Applicants seeking to take prerequisites courses should be advised to take Math 180 and CS 112 or CS 113 depending on course availability. Note: CS 113 is not offered this fall 2020 semester.

CME 112 - New Gen Ed Course from Civil and Materials Engineering: 
The Civil and Materials Engineering Dept is offering a new GenEd course CME 112; Evolution of Infrastructure and Society this class is opened to all majors and it satisfies the U.S. Society requirement.