SHARE WITH STUDENTS: New Special Topics Course in Curriculum and Instruction Summer 2021 (Session II)
Please download and share the information sheet for this course with your students:
CI494 CURRICULUM OF CHANGE & COVID-19: Conflict, Courage, and Educational Transformation.
Students and I will examine COVID-19’s varied and oftentimes disparate impact on the social, emotional, and educational lives of diverse communities and individuals; and will explore the different ways peoples and communities are coping and adapting to unprecedented challenges while striving to maintain and renew the moral, spiritual, personal, and professional beliefs and values that constitute the curriculum of their lives.
Course Information:
Dates: June 14 – July 23
Day/Time: Blended On-line/remote instruction
Synchronous online meetings Tuesdays 11:30 - 3:30
Various asynchronous activities & projects
Instructor: Edward Podsiadlik, Ph.D.
Credits: 4