SHARE WITH STUDENTS: New Fall 2020 Disability and Human Development Course! DHD 206: Disability, Urban Planning, and Geography
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Make room in your schedule for this NEW course offering for Fall 2020
DHD 206: Disability, Urban Planning, and Geography
CRN 45581, Online
Gen Ed: Understanding US Society
Instructor Yochai Eisenberg
During a time where movement is greatly restricted and uncertainty resides, urban planning is more important than ever. DHD 206 explores what does an inclusive city mean? Students are introduced to disability within an urban planning context to study the inclusivity of cities and city building processes. The course reviews important aspects of disability and geography, such as disability representation in maps, geographic concepts of accessibility, and participatory mapping. Students delve into applied urban planning practices and policies related to disability and transportation, housing, and community and economic development. Students will come away with a greater understanding of how urban planning policies and practices shape the experience of disability and hold potential for building inclusive cities.
For questions, contact Yochai Eisenberg