SHARE WITH STUDENTS: Navigating Graduate and Professional School Fair Workshop (NEW this year!) on 10/2

Do you work with students who are considering going to graduate or professional school?

If yes, encourage students to attend Navigating a Graduate and Professional School Fair Workshop to learn how to prep for the Graduate & Professional School Fair (held on October 10th).

The workshop will help students make informed decisions about going to graduate school including which graduate school program could be a good fit. Also, information about questions students can ask recruiters at the fair including how to finance graduate school will be discussed.

Wednesday, October 2nd, 12-1 PM
Student Center East (SCE), Room 603 (in Tower)

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Navigating Graduate & Professional School Fair Workshop (NEW this year!)

Are you thinking about going to graduate school? Learn more about how to make informed decisions about which graduate school program is right for you. Also, information about questions you can ask recruiters at the fair including how to finance graduate school will be discussed.

Wednesday, October 2nd, 12-1 PM
Student Center East (SCE), Room 603 (in Tower)