SHARE WITH STUDENTS: Native American Heritage Month Events – Feminist Lunch Lecture on 11/20 and other events this week!

We hope you were able to attend the Dawnland Film Screening and other events this week, but if you weren't able to attend, please join us for our upcoming Native American Heritage Month events including:

Feminist Lunch Lecture: Alex Davis, PHD Student in Criminology
November 20th
12:30PM – 2PM
Location: Women’s Leadership and Resource Center

This specific event will take place during National November Native American Heritage Month. To celebrate this month, the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) hosts a variety of Native American films, speakers, and workshops.

The November 2019 Native American Heritage Month (NAHM) theme is dedicated to bringing awareness to Murdered Missing and Indigenous Women, Girls, and Trans Women.

All events and activities are open to students, staff, faculty and community members.

Please  go to for more information on other events this week and upcoming 2019 UIC NAHM events.