SHARE WITH STUDENTS: KN 194-1 Credit Electives and New Gen Ed!

If your students are looking for an extra credit or two this spring, please consider the following two KN 194 courses:

Indian Fitness Club: Taught by Jared Ramer (1 credit)
Demonstrate advanced Indian Club movements. Recite motor learning theory considerations and facilitate large group instruction. Diagnose technique using visual analysis and apply Indian Club practice to improve performance.
T/TH 11:00am-11:50am
CRN 43033
Download the flyer!

Beginning Yoga: Taught by Rachel Najdzin (1 credit)
An instruction to the philosophical teachings and physical practice of Hatha yoga. No experience required. Come experience the health benefits of yoga, including better concentration and stress reduction, and learn how to incorporate the practice into your day to day life.
M/W 9:00am-9:50am
CRN 41851


New this Spring 2020!

The Healthy Human, previously listed under KN 194 was recently approved as a permanent course and will now count as a gen ed!

KN 150-The Healthy Human: Taught by Dr. Hamstra-Wright (3 credits)
Learn how to live life more fully through the holistic integration of body, mind and spirit. Create a healthy and proactive lifestyle by drafting and enacting your person wellness plan!
T/TH 3:30pm-4:45pm
CRN 43322