SHARE WITH STUDENTS/FOR ADVISORS’ INFORMATION: UIC College of Business Guaranteed and Preferred Admissions Webinar

UIC College of Business Guaranteed and Preferred Admissions Webinar

Tuesday, April 28th

Register for the Webinar Onilne

Guaranteed and preferred admissions for current UIC students and alumni.

The UIC Business Liautaud Graduate School offers admissions pathways to five programs that put qualified UIC students and alumni on the fast track to admission through the waiver of the GRE/GMAT requirement. Some programs may also waive the requirement to submit letters of recommendation.

Note: Qualified applicants who are current UIC undergraduate students, or applicants who have graduated from UIC are eligible to apply under the guaranteed programs. Students and alumni from the University of Illinois Springfield and Urbana Champaign campuses may also qualify. See the specific requirements for each program below.

For more information on the guaranteed and preferred admissions you can visit their website.