SHARE WITH STUDENTS: FIN 250 Personal Finance – it’s a general education credit and three sections are open to all students!
All students at UIC can now take this class for general education credit.
There will be three (3) sections of Personal Finance specifically dedicated for non-finance majors this fall semester:
CRN 45358 – 3PM MW
CRN 45359 - 11AM TR
CRN 45360 - 1230PM TR
Brief description: FIN250 Personal Finance
Today individual consumers are responsible over a large number of financial decisions. Some of these decisions were previously taken care by employers (healthcare and pension benefits), some were always a domain of individuals, but became increasingly expensive and thus important over times (education, housing, and automotive expenses). The goal of the course is to help students understand the basic principles of financial planning, wealth accumulation and management. Financial planning is a life-long process that assists families in taking control of their financial future. Topics will include employee benefit programs, insurance policies, investments, estate planning, federal income tax, annuities and banking and borrowing. The course will be focused on student’s individual financial circumstances. By the end of the course, students will utilize the material learned to create a financial plan for their own future self or family.