SHARE WITH STUDENTS: Fall 2021 HUM 120 and HUM 201 courses still have seats open!
The Engaged Humanities Initiative wants you to know that there are still seats open in two courses for this fall. Please download the flyer and share with your students!
HUM 120 - there are still 6 seats left in the section that meets MW 9:30-10:45/ W 11-11:50 (taught by Teresa Moreno and Mary Kate Varnau on Social Justice and the Politics of Information))
HUM 201, taught by Adam Goodman (flyer attached- 13 slots remaining).
We've lifted the restriction on HUM 201- students can just register.
Here are some helpful facts:
- Prereq for HUM 120 is ENG 160 or placing into ENG 161- students who take the course and get a B or better will get Gen Ed credit (Individual and Society) and satisfy ENG 161 (they should NOT also enroll in ENG 161). There will be 2 sections of HUM 120 in the spring for students unable to take it this semester
- Prereq for HUM 201 is ENG 161.
- The course does NOT carry Gen Ed credit, but History majors or minors will receive credit towards their History major or minor with this class (this has been cleared with the History DUS).
- Students enrolled in HUM 201 will have the option of being hired into the EHI and receiving money by attending humanities-related events during AY 2021-2022 as well as being invited to enroll in HUM 202 in the spring to develop a research proposal and find a faculty mentor (and then receive funding during summer 2022 and beyond).
Students can find out more about the EHI at our website ( and should feel free to email us if they have any questions. The same, of course, goes for you!