SHARE WITH STUDENTS: Fall 2020 Courses in Kinesiology – please share with your students!

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Dear UIC Students,

Do you have an interest in kinesiology, health, exercise, or sport? Have you ever wondered how psychology, exercise, and injury are related? We have a number of options in the Kinesiology program that are open to all UIC students this fall!

Please see below for more details, including course descriptions. The below listed classes are open to ALL UIC students and do not have pre-requisite requirements. Give Kinesiology a try! We hope to see you in class this fall!

Fall 2020 Course Offerings:

KN 110 – Life Skills for Student Athletes (2 credits) - *New Course!*
MW, 1-1:50p, PEB 117
Instructor: TBD
Pre-Req: none
This course prepares student-athletes, and those working with student-athletes, to thrive as leaders in their community and workplace, be productive members of society, and contribute value to their own life and to those with whom they interact.

KN 130 – Stress Management (3 credits)
Multiple Days and Times
Instructors: Dr. Prewitt-White and Instructor Firkins
Pre-req: none – will require wait listing. Sign up at:
Introduction to stress and its effects on health, with experiential application of coping strategies and relaxation techniques. Addresses conventional and innovative approaches, with a special emphasis on holistic health and wellness.

KN 137 – Personal Fitness (1 credit)
Multiple Days and Times
Instructor: numerous
Pre-req: none
Evaluation of each student's level of fitness, followed by participation in a group exercise program. Variable training modes. Discussion on fitness-related topics.

KN 150 – The Healthy Human (3 credits)
TR, 3:30-4:45p, Gen Ed Course (Individual and Society)
Instructor: Dr. Hamstra-Wright
Pre-req: none
Using the core dimensions of wellness, this course prepares students to live healthy, proactive lifestyles by creating a personal framework to serve them in their daily lives. Emphasis will be on the holistic integration of body, mind, and spirit.

KN 152 – Introduction to Exercise Physiology and Health (3 credits)
MW, 11-11:50a Lab, Gen Ed Course (Natural World - With Lab)
Instructor: Dr. Miller
Pre-req: none
This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge of the structure and function of the human body, particularly as it relates to the interaction between physical activity and health and disease.

KN 194: Special Topics in Kinesiology (4 Courses!)

Movement, Mind and Mood (3 credits), hybrid, online MW 10-10:50a, Dr. John Coumbe-Lilley - *New Course!*
This hybrid hands-on/online course introduces students to the role physical activity and exercise have in enhancing mood, improving mental health and increasing the quality of physical movement experiences. No pre-req.

Beginning Yoga (1 credit), MW 9-9:50a, PEB B73, Instructor Rachel Najdzin
An instruction to the philosophical teachings and physical practice of Hatha yoga. Come experience the health benefits of yoga, including better concentration and stress reduction, and learn how to incorporate the practice into your day to day life. No experience required!

Indian Club Fitness (1 credit), TR 11-11:50a, PEB TR, Instructor Jared Ramer
Demonstrate advanced Indian Club movements. Recite motor learning theory considerations and facilitate large group instruction. Diagnose technique using visual analysis and apply Indian Club practice to improve performance. No experience required!

Train Like an Athlete (1 credit), Fri, 2-3:40p, PEB B15, Instructor Nick Zostautas – *New Course!*
Learn how to design and conduct your own exercise program with our UIC Flames Head Strength & Conditioning Coach, Mr. Nick Zostautas! All ability and experience levels are welcome. No pre-req.