SHARE WITH STUDENTS: ARABAMCC Events on Mental Health Stigma (11/27) and Community Discussion of Surveillance and Racial Profiling (11/29)!
The ARABAMCC is hosting two events next week. Please share with your students:
Mental Health Stigma in Arab & Muslim Communities
How do we deal with mental health stigma in Arab and Muslim Communities and seek help?
While mental health stigma exists in most socities and cultures including the U.S. culture, Arab and Muslim communities might face unique challenges with regard to seeking mental health services. The stereotypes, prejudice, public stigma, and discrimination that target Arab and Muslim Communities could create barriers to seeking help. Through coming together, sharing ideas, and engaging in activities we hope to break the silence and talk about mental health issues and stigma in Arab and Muslim Communities. We will discuss culturally specific presentations of mental health problems in Arab and Muslim Communities and ways to find help.
Arab American Cultural Center
November 27, 2018
12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
111 Stevenson Hall
Download the flyer to share with your students.
A community discussion on racial profiling of Arab & Muslim communities
Have you ever wondered if you are under surveillance?
Join us in an interactive event with the Arab American Action Network's youth program where youth leaders will discuss how surveillance impacts our communities. This is an educational event about how anti-Arab and anti-Muslim racism operates through rhetoric and state and local policies related to "national security" and how Arabs & Muslims in schools and on college campuses navigate the realities of racial profiling and surveillance in Chicagoland. This event will provide students with the opportunity to share experiences and ideas and to learn about important constitutional protections, including the First and Fourth Amendment rights as well as how these rights are currently under threat and waht civil rights advocates are doing about it.
The event is free and geared towards people impacted by anti-Arab/anti-Muslim racism and surveillance.
Food will be provided. Accessible by wheelchair. For more accessibility, email
November 29, 2018
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Arab American Cultural Center
111 Stevenson Hall
701 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60607