PROFESSIONIONAL DEVELOPMENT: OAD Fall Advising Summit Series – RSVP AVAILABLE for 11/16 NACADA Webinar Viewing, Panel, and Discussion on “Advising Black Male Students in 2020 and Beyond”
OAD Fall 2020 Advising Summit Series - NACADA Webinar, Viewing, Panel, and Discussion on "Advising Black Male Students in 2020 and Beyond"
We are continuing our Fall 2020 Advising Summit Series with our upcoming viewing of NACADA's recent webinar "Advising Black Male Students in 2020 and Beyond". Our live viewing of the webinar recording will be followed by a discussion with panelists from AAAN, CHANCE, and MERRP, and small group discussions for attendees. The webinar is based upon NACADA’s Inclusion and Engagement Committee engagement with six Black male leaders, which was conveyed first in an article "Advising Black Male Students in 2020 and Beyond" in Academic Advising Today in September 2020 and in a longer, deeper conversation in their October 2020 webinar.
To bring the national context and conversation into a UIC context and to articulate our ongoing questions for a deeper dive as an advising community, we will have small group discussions between attendees and an interactive discussion with three panelists from our own campus:
Jeff Brown, African American Academic Network (AAAN)
Kendal Parker, CHANCE Program
Gerry Smith, Minority Engineering Recruitment and Retention Program (MERRP)
We envision this event as the jumping off point for a continued engagement within the advising community for us to learn and develop together, including some small group events generated from conversation and questions articulated in our discussion.
Schedule of Event:
3:00 - 4:00 p.m. - NACADA Webinar Recording Live Viewing (if you cannot attend this portion of the event, the recording can be provided)
4:00 - 5:00 p.m. - Small Group and Panelist Discussion
LOCATION: Zoom - please RSVP for the link.
Below is the full description of the webinar and a listing of the presenters from NACADA's Web Events page:
NACADA Webinar Description
Panelists: Locksley Knibbs (Florida Gulf Coast University), Mark S. Nelson, Sr. (Oklahoma State University), Quentin R. Alexander (George Mason University), Darryl C. Cherry (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Bill Johnson (University of North Carolina Greensboro), Joshua “JJ” Johnson (University of Central Florida)
In the September 2020 edition of Academic Advising Today, six Black male NACADA leaders began the dialogue “for improving and strengthening the Black male student academic advising experience.” Having “experienced microaggressions, subtle and overt racism, and prejudgment” in their own personal and professional lives, they considered how academic advisors and advising administrators “can work together to improve the overall experience for Black male students.” In this 6o-minute videocast presentation, these scholars came to the virtual environment to take the conversation to a broader and deeper level. They discuss the variation and complexity of Black male identity and address some of the challenges faced by Black males in higher education settings (such as microaggressions, racial battle fatigue, John Henryism, and imposter syndrome). They consider what advising professionals can do to facilitate the development of Black male resilience, including cultivating self-efficacy, identifying coping mechanisms, and nurturing hope. In this solution-focused presentation, they share how these narratives can increase retention and graduation for Black male students.