PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: You are Invited to The Common Reading Committee Semester Kick Off TOMORROW (8/14/19)!

Hello Everyone,

The Common Reading Committee hopes you can attend its first Fall Semester Kick Off on Wednesday, August 14th from 12:00-1:00pm at the Rafael Cintron Ortiz Latino Cultural Center. We will be hosting a get together that offers an opportunity to meet and reconnect with our colleagues across campus. Snacks and refreshments will also be provided as well!

For those of you not familiar with the Common Reading Committee, we host Tuesday/Thursday Topics once a month throughout the academic year. Each committee member chooses an article and leads an informal discussion about how the article relates to advising at UIC. It is a great chance to not only participate in an advisor-to-advisor professional development opportunity but also to take advantage of an opportunity to connect, collaborate, and learn how each college handles the advising needs of our student body.

Please feel free to contact Kevin Price at if you have questions. We hope to see you at our Fall Semester Kick Off!


Common Reading Committee