PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Videos and links to resources from our Virtual Advisor Week activities are available!

We had so much fun with you, even if it was in the virtual world! We were so pleased to be able to offer a few activities, and so grateful to Rachel Najdzin for her wonderful yoga sessions, and incredibly happy to see all of you who were able to make it to our virtual spaces! Below are links if you weren't able to join us, want to access the resources, or if you want to use Rachel's yoga sessions as we continue our daily journey together:

Yoga at Your Desk with AHS's Rachel Najdzin
Video Link: Download the video and do yoga at your desk with Rachel whenever you want! - Yoga at Your Desk (hint, hint, she's sideways, but then again, most things seem a little sideways right now...)

Coffee Talk Discussion - "Best Practices for Advising Online"
To download a video of the lively discussion Coffee Talk "Best Practices for Advising Online" Recording, but if you want to get some of the resources we read and information gathered, you can visit the BOX folder where we've accumulated some articles - Resources for Advisors during COVID-19. In fact, there's a new resource Coping with COVID-19 that was developed by the Office of Applied Psychology Services and shared by our friends in Dentistry and Public Health! Our community is working together to share. Please send us your resources and we will add them to this BOX - anyone with a UIC netid can access it! The recording is also downloadable from the BOX - we hope you will excuse our casual "production quality"...

Yoga to Finish the Week Strong with Rachel Najdzin 
Video Link: Download the video and do yoga at your desk with Rachel whenever you want! -Yoga to Finish the Week Strong