PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: UIC Staff Undercover Initiative – connect with commuter students!

As a UIC staff member, do you want to connect with commuting students? This is a unique opportunity for UIC staff to connect with commuter students in an informal capacity and highlight key programs and services. Please read on for more details.

Staff Undercover

Staff Undercover is an opportunity for UIC staff to attend one of our regular community-building events (referred to as “Connect” events) and take part in the activity alongside commuter students. Our Connect events occur every two weeks in our space and are centered on a specific activity, game, or craft. Each Connect event is planned by members of our Commuter Ambassador team and are meant to foster community among students while sharing key information. This is a great way to connect with students who may not be compelled to visit an informational table or attend an event independently. Forging a personal connection in an informal capacity can make all the difference in helping students take the step to be involved and connect with vital engagement resources. Past events have included: UNO Tournament, Mario Kart on Nintendo Switch, Board Game Free-Play, TV Trivia, and more.

Want to be “Undercover”?

The key part of this initiative is to encourage UIC staff to identify an upcoming event on our calendar that fits their interests and or availability. Staff are encouraged to view our schedule, select an event, share their intention to attend, and join us! Staff who go “undercover” can:

  • Make personal connections with students outside of their regular responsibilities
  • Informally promote upcoming deadlines, events, or programs

Our Upcoming Calendar

We have set our upcoming calendar for the Spring 2019 semester. To view our event topics and to sign up for an event, visit:

Should you have any questions regarding Staff Undercover, please contact Kristina Garcia,