PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Fall 2019 Advising Summit Documents available on!

Our Fall 2019 Advising Summit was held on October 18, 2019 and featured a range of information for advisors including financial aid updates, an interactive presentation and case work with the Disability Resource Center, an informative presentation on graduate degrees available in the College of Business, a quick update on iAdvise (UIC’s integrated planning and advising system), and interactive case work on using growth mindset approaches when working with students.

Thank you so very much to our presenters and to you for spending the afternoon learning with us! The agenda, presentations, and materials from our speakers can be downloaded below and are available on

Then we had a great time at our Fall Colors Networking Event at Ambassador Pub!

If you attended Summit, we want to hear from you. Your feedback is valuable, so please complete a survey for our planning team at