PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: iAdvise News and Tips – you can now see a student’s second major in their profile if they have one!
The iAdvise Project Team has news for you:
The iAdvise Team recently added the field "Second Major" to the Student Profile in the Overview section. If a student has a second major, you will be able to see it. This means that if you wanted to get a list of students in a particular major who have this declared as both a first major or a second major, you will be able to filter for "Major" and for "Second Major" and can combine the lists. You would filter for each of these separately (don't forget you need to spell the major exactly or use the wildcard which is an asterisk), download the lists and then you can combine them. We're excited to be offering this information now in iAdvise because it means that our users who work with majors can get a a full list of students using these compound actions.
Please let the iAdvise Team know if you have questions and we can assist!
If you need help from our iAdvise Helpdesk, please email iAdvise Web Link - OAD hosts iAdvise Open Hours EVERY WEEK and the hours are posted there - just come by and ask any question you want or give us a call! No previously scheduled time needed.