PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: SAVE THE DATES – Fall OAD Events – Virtual Advising Summit Series and Fall Networking Events including “Halloween Hop”- we miss you!

Happy October, Advisors! Although our regular gathering time on the Friday of Week 6 has passed, your OAD Steering Committee has been hard at work developing events for us to learn and grow together in this unique time!

The OAD Steering Committee spent time over this summer discussing areas to explore together for professional development this academic year and have chosen three specific areas for professional development in addition to our regular updates and learning opportunities including equity and inclusion in advising; advising as a profession; and our mental wellness and self-care.

Advising Summit Series:
Rather than one longer web event for Advising Summit, we will be hosting various events as part of our Advising Summit Series including needed updates for advisors, time to explore topics about advising in the virtual realm, and opportunities for learning and engaging together on topics in our targeted domains. We want you to save the dates for the following virtual events. All presentations will be

  1. Advising Summit Series - Fall 2020 Financial Aid Update and Q&A with Kiely Fletcher on October 22nd 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. (Zoom) - RSVP forthcoming. Event will be recorded.
  2. Advising Summit Series - Fall 2020 Financial Aid Follow-Up Q&A with Kiely Fletcher - on November 5th 2:00 p.m. (Zoom) for those who cannot attend on October 22nd and will view the recording, an open Q & A with Kiely Fletcher will be hosted.
  3. NACADA Webinar and UIC Response and Discussion - on Monday, November 16th 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Webinar Broadcast 3:00 - 4:00 with discussion to follow) (Zoom) - we will bring the webinar from the national context home to UIC.
  4. OAD Small Group Event - FERPA and Privacy in a Virtual Space  - on Wednesday, December 2nd at 10:00 a.m. (Zoom) - advisors will participate in a small group discussions in breakout rooms and a larger report out to explore the unique nature of FERPA, privacy, and navigating and techniques our own advising community have already developed and are using.

And, now, you didn't think we would forget our networking events, did you? And there's no way we would miss an opportunity for us to be a community so we have two very exciting events for you this term:

  1. OAD Trivia Night on Tuesday, October 20th 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. OAD hosts Virtual Trivia - come one, come all for some virtual trivia hosted by our very own Abbi Allen. Abbi has graciously agreed to coordinate a trivia night for UIC advisors to play....and win! More details and an RSVP forthcoming - but save the date!
  2. Halloween Hop - Joey and Nick bring you your t-shirts and candy around Chicagoland! - Thursday, October 29th and Friday, October 30th - Yes, you saw that correctly - we're gonna do it and we're going to do it safely - Nick and Joey want you to have your shirt and enjoy our version of trick or treating. If you're comfortable to stop by, Joey and Nick will "Halloween Hop" around Chicagoland (yes - suburbs are included) at five to six pre-set locations for a few hours so that you could stop by and pick up your t-shirt and some Halloween candy. We will drive up - open the trunk and you can partake! More details will be forthcoming, and please do not worry we will have a "contact-less option", an option for you to social distance outside with us for a short time, and please know that if you can't join us, we'll save you your shirt for you! But these shirts have been sitting by themselves in Joey's office for far too long...and what better costume can you have for Halloween than showing who you are through and through - by being a UIC Advisor! (Now, because we want everyone to join us in the fun of this and see our community members at all levels of safety at which you are comfortable, you can follow us live on an interactive Zoom as we journey around the city and enjoy a COVID-safe way to spread advising joy - if the community can't come together, OAD is bringing the community to you...and perhaps some candy corn and candy pumpkins....)