PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Save the dates – Advisors’ Kickoff BBQ next Wednesday (9/5) and Advising Summit on Friday 10/18!

Happy Fall 2019 Advisors! We're so excited to beginning another exciting year. We want to ensure that you are saving the date for some important events that our OAD Steering Committee members are planning for our community:

Advisors' Kickoff BBQ at PhD Pub
Date: Thursday, September 5th
Time: 4:30 (or when you can make it)
Location: PhD Pub

Don't miss our favorite event that kicks off the academic year and join us at PhD Pub for great food and beverages as we celebrate all of the hard work we've done to prepare for the year! Let us know if you are planning to come - email!


Fall 2019 Advising Summit and Fall Colors Networking Event
Date: Friday, October 18th
Time: Lunch at 12:00 p.m., Summit begins at 1:00 p.m.
Location: SSB Conference Rooms A, B, and C

Although we normally have our Advising Summit during the Friday of Week 6, we want you attend the HACU conference so we're gathering for our Summit on Friday, October 18th. The Advising Summit Steering Committee is hard at work on our planned agenda for learning and growing together. We will welcome all of our new advisors to campus and have a chance to interact together. Watch for the RSVP, which is coming soon!

*Networking event follows Advising Summit - join us for some fall fun!