The Office for Research on Student Success is hosting a two-part series on Findings from the 2017 National Survey on The First-Year Experience from the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition. The registration/RSVP form for part 2 of the sessions are available at the below link.

Findings from the 2017 National Survey on The First-Year Experience: Part 2
November 13, 2020
10:30 am - 12:45 pm

Please share this link with your colleagues:

Both sessions will are live and the content will be spread over two presentations. When you RSVP, you will be sent a zoom link to join the session. We hope that you can attend the second session.

About the Presentations:

In Spring 2017, the National Resource Center undertook its first National Survey on The First-Year Experience (NSFYE). Its purpose was to gather information about FYE programs in American higher education. A total of 3,977 institutions were invited to participate, and 537 responded to the survey. Join Dr. Jennifer Keup, Director, National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition and Dr. Dallin George Young, Assistant Director for Research, Grants, and Assessment as they present on findings from the 2017 National Survey on The First-Year Experience. Each session will conclude with an opportunity for discussion.