PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: ORSS Lecture Series Lecture on December 1st

ORSS Lecture Series Presentation Invitation - Non-Academic Factors Influencing Student Success: Fall 2020 Cohort Noncognitive Assets, Financial Concerns, and High-Need Referrals

The Office for Research on Student Success (ORSS) invites you to the upcoming lecture, titled: Non-Academic Factors Influencing Student Success: Fall 2020 Cohort Noncognitive Assets, Financial Concerns, and High-Need Referrals, presented by Drs. Lindsey Back and Darima Butitova. Please share this invitation with your colleagues.


December 1, 2020

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM


Virtual Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 868 1922 3533  Passcode: ORSSLect2  Join by Phone: 3126266799

Topic Overview:

Presented by Dr. Lindsey Back, Associate Director of the Office for Research on Student Success, and Dr. Darima Butitova, Undergraduate Affairs Data Analyst, Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs and Academic Programs

Drs. Back and Butitova will share data from the Fall 2020 First-Year and Transfer Student cohorts’ responses to the Pre-matriculation Inventory - a survey of the UIC incoming students conducted by the Office for Research on Student Success. The presentation will include aggregate data on these cohorts’ noncognitive assets, financial concerns, and high need referral requests. Results will be discussed and interpreted to inform our understanding of student strengths, as well as areas for growth and support.

Presentation Recording Access:

All lectures are recorded and presentation slides are posted (with approval from the speakers) on the ORSS website, under the “Lecture Series” tab.

Please share your ideas for future topics with us!

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, December 1st.