PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: OAD Late Virtual Happy Hour – can’t join happy hours right after work? Want to relax a bit later? Join us on Thursday, April 9th at 8:30 p.m.

We are hoping everyone is hanging in there and able to enjoy a bit of the lovely weather we have been having over the last few days!

We know with shifting schedules and lots of home responsibilities some of us can't make it to happy hour connections in the early evening so we we're making some time a bit later in the evening for folks to join up and relax for a bit!

Thursday, April 9th at 8:30 p.m.

No need to RSVP - just join us around 8:30...we'll be there...just drop in for a bit if you feel like it!

To join us - visit our OAD Happy Hour Link to get the login information!