PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: iAdvise News and Tips – New units in iAdvise and course-withdrawal and auto clearing of flags!

The iAdvise Project Team has news and a tip for you:

The following offices are now in iAdvise. All users can find them in the Services tab of iAdvise. Advisors can also raise the appropriate referrals to direct students to them.

  • Center for Student Involvement
  • Commuter Student Resource Center
  • Fraternity and Sorority Life
  • UIC Impact
  • Student Leadership & Civic Engagement
  • Office for Undergraduate Research
  • Wellness Center


Given that we may see course withdrawals at this point, the iAdvise Team wants to remind you that flags or other tracking items (ex. To Do's) that have a course section selected for context will auto clear if a student withdraws from the class. To ensure you don't miss the auto clearing, you can set your view settings to see "Resolved" flags or select "Both" in the Tracking Menu of the Student Profile.

If you need help from our iAdvise Helpdesk, please email iAdvise Web Link - OAD hosts iAdvise Open Hours EVERY WEEK and the hours are posted there - just come by and ask any question you want or give us a call! No previously scheduled time needed.