PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: NACADA Annual Conference Registration is open – early bird deadline is September 8th!

The NACADA Annual Conference will be held in Portland, Oregon this year with select virtual offerings as well!

"Building Bridges: Honoring our Past, Celebrating the Present, and Preparing for the Future"
October 23 - 26, 2022
Portland, Oregon
Visit the Conference Info website for more details!

Below is information from NACADA, and early registration pricing ends on September 8th!

This year’s theme, “Building Bridges: Honoring our Past, Celebrating the Present, and Preparing for the Future,” encourages all of us to reflect on where we started and honor those who built the foundation for our academic advising careers in higher education. Furthermore, it gives us an opportunity to recognize the perseverance and dedication that advisors have given to this profession while also looking ahead to where our paths lead in further academic excellence.

The conference planning committee is hard at work and ramping up efforts to ensure a positive experience that matches the uniqueness and dynamic spirit of Portland. We have a variety of incredible sessions offered throughout the conference. We hope you find many takeaways from the presentations and activities and build stronger connections to other amazing NACADA members.

This digital brochure provides a general overview of the 2022 NACADA Annual Conference. Please visit the conference website for more information on registration, hotels, Preconference Workshops, Concurrent Sessions, Poster Sessions, Advising Community Activities, Service Projects, Cultural Experiences, the Common Reading, Exhibitors, and the first ever Art Experience! Please stay tuned for blogs and other listings and things to do in Portland!