PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: iAdvise News and Tips – Reminder – Midterm Grades are viewable in iAdvise once they become available!
The iAdvise Project Team has news and a tip for you:
We're getting in our last Early Alerts this week, but that means it's time for midterm grading soon - don't forget, midterm grades are viewable in iAdvise!
Midterm grades become available in the middle of Week 9. For those who are not aware, midterm grades are also viewable in iAdvise for students. For those who have access to view grades in iAdvise, to view them follow this process:
- Go to your Students Menu;
- Click on the Student Profile for the student you want to view;
- Click into the "Courses" menu on the left side of the student profile;
- Under the listed instructors and course title, if the course is eligible for midterm grading and a midterm grade has been entered, you may view that grade there.
If you need help from our iAdvise Helpdesk, please email iAdvise Web Link - OAD hosts iAdvise Open Hours EVERY WEEK and the hours are posted there - just come by and ask any question you want or give us a call! No previously scheduled time needed.