PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: iAdvise Updates and Tip of the Week – Beginning of the term reminders and new items in iAdvise!
The iAdvise Project Team has news for you, and has beginning of the term reminders for you:
Review Your Profile - New students were introduced to iAdvise through online orientation and may be looking for you on iAdvise. Please provide them the best way to reach you and learn about how you can help them by reviewing your profile to ensure that it informs them how to reach you, whether you are doing drop-in advising, or the best way to get questions answered. There's also a new item available to you - SHARE LINKS! See more...
Share Links Now Available for Your Email Signature - iAdvise now has links available for you to send students directly to your calendar to make appointments. You will find that link in your Institutional Profile and you can use it in your email signature. It is VERY IMPORTANT to remember that students' first visit to iAdvise needs to be through the my.UIC portal so that they can be provided all of the information they need in the Advising Tab. If you decide to use SHARE LINKS, please use two links in your signature, here is an example:
*LINE 1: New to iAdvise? Log in to get to my schedule at and visit the Advising Tab. Click on iAdvise and you will go to your Success Network to make your appointment!
*LINE 2: Have you used iAdvise before? Use this link to go directly to my schedule [Insert Share Link from Institutional Profile]
Review Your Availability Settings - If you want your calendar to be available for appointments, don't forget to check to make sure your Office Hours have been created and enabled.
COVID-19 Flags Configured and Live on Monday, August 24th - Per conversations last week, in partnership with the DRC, we've developed two COVID-19 related flags to help students needing support related to pandemic conditions especially regarding attendance on campus or for synchronous online courses. One flag is for students to identify themselves as needing assistance and one flag can be raised by faculty, college advisors and administrators, success unit advisors and coaches, and cultural center staff. Documentation will be available on the iAdvise website and distributed by email early this week!
If you need help from our iAdvise Helpdesk, please email iAdvise Web Link - OAD hosts iAdvise Open Hours EVERY WEEK and the hours are posted there - just come by and ask any question you want or give us a call! No previously scheduled time needed.