PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: iAdvise News and first iAdvise Tip of the Week!

The iAdvise Project Team is pleased to begin sending along weekly updates on news related to iAdvise and useful tips and tricks for iAdvise users.


  • There are currently 35 units or programs working in some manner in iAdvise. Some have transitioned to full day-to-day operations, while others are interacting with Early Alerts.
  • The next phase of unit implementation has commenced with units for their day-to-day operations over the rest of the fall term. This next phase of units are those that were transitioned in for accessing Early Alerts.

Tips and Tricks:

  • You control where you start in iAdvise!Your default opening page in iAdvise is up to you. You can go into your "Institutional Profile" and under your name select from the pages offered in the "Login" drop-down menu.
  • If a student drops-in or you need to log an interaction from the past, use "Events"! For those users in iAdvise for day-to-day operations who have appointments set up, you can use the "Event" function for recording interactions that have happened in the past. You will need your student's netid (iAdvise Username), but you can enter the interaction and use SpeedNotes if you use Events versus entering a note. (Note: If your office proscribes a particular process, please follow that process.)
    • Bonus hint - You can use events for groups, especially if you're entering the same note for a large number of students!

If you need help from our iAdvise Helpdesk, please email iadvisehelp@uic.eduiAdvise Web Link -