PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: iAdvise Tip of the Week – you can isolate your view of Tracking Items in a number of pre-set ways!

The iAdvise Project Team has this week's tip for you:

And this week's tip - You can isolate your view of Tracking Items in a number of pre-set ways!
Have you been watching your Tracking Menu as Early Alerts have come in over the past few weeks? Are you trying to see flags only? Do you want to see items that are assigned to you? Are you looking for a flag you saw that was already resolved? Have you given a student some To Do's with due dates and you want to see which ones are due within the next bit of time? You can isolate down or expand your view of Tracking Items, by going to the "View" dropdown box and selecting the view appropriate to what you're looking for. Options include:

  1. Inbox - All active items, sorted by creation date. (This is the default view.)
  2. Flag Inbox - All active flags, sorted by creation date.
  3. Due Date - All active tracked items, sorted by due date, latest date first. If no due date, item is shown first.
  4. Overdue  - Any active items with a due date that is earlier than today.
  5. Due in Next 7 Days - Any active due between now and the next seven days.
  6. Due in Next 30 Days - Any active due between now and the next thirty days.
  7. Created by Me - Any active or resolved items created by me, sorted by creation date.
  8. Active and Resolved - All active and resolved items sorted by creation date. (This is a great way to find a resolved item.)
  9. Assigned to Me - Any active items assigned to me, sorted by creation date.
  10. Unassigned - Any active or resolved items with no assignee, sorted by creation date.

Bonus Tip: There is now a different System Announcement for Students vs Staff
iAdvise now has the capability of differentiating a system announcement between student users and staff users. For student users, this week we updated their system announcement to say:

Applications for 2021-2022 financial aid are available beginning October 1, 2020 Students should file by 12/1 to receive full consideration for state and institutional grants. Apply for aid at the following sites:

Please continue to monitor your e-mails and the UIC web page,

Your wellbeing remains our number one priority and we will continue to do all we can for the health and safety of the UIC community.

If you need help from our iAdvise Helpdesk, please email iAdvise Web Link - OAD hosts iAdvise Open Hours EVERY WEEK and the hours are posted there - just come by and ask any question you want or give us a call! No previously scheduled time needed.