PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: iAdvise Tip of the Week – Seeing students you share!!
The iAdvise Project Team is pleased to provide this week's tip:
Sharing - see who you share your student with, or get a list of students you share with others!
- For an individual student's record, to see who you share the student with, go to the student's Profile and click the "Network" on the bottom left.
- When looking for a list of students, you can use the filtering capability is iAdvise to see who you in your student list you might share with others in iAdvise. If you're looking to partner together, this is a great way to see who and how many students you share. To check this out,
- Go to your "Students" list and click on the "Add Filters" button on the right of the Term listing.
- Once in the dialog box for filtering, select "Cohorts and Relationships" in the menu on the left.
- Checkbox "Organizations" and a menu of the units in iAdvise appears. Select the name of the unit you want to check out for sharing.
- Hint - The unit names are acronyms in lower case letters with an _01 attached to the end.
- You can download your list of students by clicking the "Download" button.
- Bonus Hint - The criteria for filtering are "and" so if you select two units to see if you share students, the students would need to be part of all three units to show in your list. So if you're looking to get a sense of who you share with more than one unit, repeat the process above as many times as needed downloading each list and joining them together.
If you need help from our iAdvise Helpdesk, please email iAdvise Web Link -
Modified on November 10, 2019