PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: iAdvise Tip of the Week – review and update your iAdvise profile to make sure it has information also geared for new students!

Here's this week's tip from the iAdvise Project Team:

  • Our new students begin their orientation process this week - make sure your iAdvise profile is up-to-date and has information for new students and how they should connect with you this summer!
    • To review your profile - go to iAdvise in your my.UIC portal and click on the burger menu on the left.
    • Click "Institutional Profile" and review your General Overview and My Biography section.
    • Remember that your "My Biography" paragraph shows first and then your "General Overview" and these paragraphs do now allow HTML language - OAD recommends that you think "advising Twitter" so concise and clear is your best bet.
    • If your unit requires specific information check in with your supervisor for recommended changes!
    • Once done - you click "Save" and move on from there advising and welcoming our new students!

If you need help from our iAdvise Helpdesk, please email iadvisehelp@uic.eduiAdvise Web Link - OAD hosts iAdvise Open Hours EVERY WEEK and the hours are posted there - just come by and ask any question you want or give us a call! No previously scheduled time needed.