PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: iAdvise Tip of the Week – hovering can be your best asset to take actions on students or see info quickly!
Here's this week's tip from the iAdvise Project Team:
- Use hovering to your advantage...
- Hovering in iAdvise is a great trick and gets you quickly to areas to take action on students or to edit items in your calendar to save's some examples for you to use and practice:
- "Tracking Menu" in the Student Profile - If you click on your student and click on Tracking on the left, where you see the icon of a tracking item, you can hover over the icon (if you're working with Orientation, use a referral as an example). Once you're hovering you can click "Comment" to comment, or if you're looking to clear/resolve something you can click "Clear" from there.
- Appointments/Calendar - If you use your Agenda View, you will have access to Events, but for other areas you can use your schedule view. In either type of appointment menu, you can hover over the calendar icon for appointments, the clock for Office Hours, or the ticket for Events to make edits to notes or dates and times. Especially for events if you're using them, this is a great way to get back in and update the event with additional attendees or make notes if you are making a note on the whole group.
If you need help from our iAdvise Helpdesk, please email iAdvise Web Link - OAD hosts iAdvise Open Hours EVERY WEEK and the hours are posted there - just come by and ask any question you want or give us a call! No previously scheduled time needed.
- Hovering in iAdvise is a great trick and gets you quickly to areas to take action on students or to edit items in your calendar to save's some examples for you to use and practice: