PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: iAdvise Tip of the Week – did you think “services” in iAdvise are just for student scheduling, think again! Staff have access to their info too!
Here's this week's tip from the iAdvise Project Team:
- Are you familiar with the Services section in iAdvise for students, well, it's not just for students! Staff have access to Services too and it's a great way to help a student with what they may need to access.
- There are collections of services organized in alphabetical order.
- These collections of services are designed to mirror the organizational structure in the my.UIC Portal. You will see collections like "Academic Skills Help" or "Advocacy/Health/Wellness" or "Campus Services" with lists of offices or programs grouped under that theme.
- There are also services created for units or areas of units that are active within the system. These services are often designed for online scheduling for students, but staff and faculty users have access to view the information contained in the service. Each of these services have icons indicating the types of services - services that are used for active work in iAdvise like scheduling have the iAdvise icon.
- This area of iAdvise has a search functionality to ensure easy access to information.
- There are collections of services organized in alphabetical order.
If you need help from our iAdvise Helpdesk, please email iAdvise Web Link - OAD hosts iAdvise Open Hours EVERY WEEK and the hours are posted there - just come by and ask any question you want or give us a call! No previously scheduled time needed.
Modified on June 05, 2020