PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: iAdvise News and Tip of the Week – using the “Agenda” view of your calendar to maximum benefit!

Here's this week's tip from the iAdvise Project Team:

  • You can use the Agenda view to maximum benefit - When working with your calendar in iAdvise, you can use the Agenda view for some very specific things and it can provide you an advantage to start there versus your schedule view! In your Agenda View, you get:
    • Office Hours - The Office Hours availability that apply to that day! Here's where you can quick edit your office hours and you don't have to try to hover over it in your schedule, especially if your schedule view is filled with appointments!
    • Appointments - You will see a summary of your meetings presented using individual tiles and there's quick info included about your student appointments - you will see the reason the student is coming, the time, etc. If you check out the agenda view you don't have to hover over the appointment to see that information. You also see the student's photo if it has been loaded.
    • Events - If there are events that you entered for past items, clicking on the day of the event is where you can edit the event!
    • Drop-in's - The agenda view is also a good way to loop up a drop-in student if you need to access the interaction again to view or add to outcomes, etc. It's really easy to get to it from there.
    • Bonus tips - If you have your calendar synched:
      • The meetings from your external calendar also push through and show, so you can get a view of your whole calendar for the day. Don't forget there are fewer details.
      • Keep in mind that if you use your Outlook calendar to remind yourself of tasks and it really is still free time for students to online schedule, you need to set your OUTLOOK appointment as "Free" instead of "Busy." If the Outlook meeting is mean to reserve time, just go ahead with your normal meeting creation in Outlook.

If you need help from our iAdvise Helpdesk, please email iadvisehelp@uic.eduiAdvise Web Link - OAD hosts iAdvise Open Hours EVERY WEEK and the hours are posted there - just come by and ask any question you want or give us a call! No previously scheduled time needed.