PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: iAdvise News and Tip of the Week – expanding your use of “Events” to log phone and email interactions!

Here's this week's tip from the iAdvise Project Team:

  • Location, location, location - you can use "Events" combined with alternative locations like email, phone, etc. to log significant non-appointment interactions with your students- When working with your students, we know that often significant information is conveyed or decisions made based upon email interactions or phone conversations. You may already be making notes in standalone notes related to these types of interactions, but don't forget, you can also use "Events" combined with alternative locations to log these interactions for other student see and to note the activity in your iAdvise calendar. Always follow the guidelines established for your office, but if you want to explore using events for these types of interactions, you can:
    • Add locations other than your office in your Institutional Profile- You can go into the "Appointment Preferences" part of your institutional profile and add locations beyond your actual office or other physical location. You can add multiple locations and use them as needed.
    • Add an "Event" from the Appointments section of iAdvise for when you want to log an interaction or decision - You can go to your appointments section of iAdvise and select the button "Event" to log an interaction. Events are used in a variety of ways, including group events that had a sign-in sheet that you want logged into the student's record; however, one key area is to log a date and time for a decision or interaction that was completed by phone or email. Events work like appointments and have the same permissions as your appointments for the reason that you pick! The event is logged into the meetings areas of the profile and is viewable on your "Agenda" for the date and time of the event.
    • Bonus tip:
      • Events are not just for individual interactions but can be used for a group meeting, or for a common note or decision for a large group of students.

If you need help from our iAdvise Helpdesk, please email iadvisehelp@uic.eduiAdvise Web Link - OAD hosts iAdvise Open Hours EVERY WEEK and the hours are posted there - just come by and ask any question you want or give us a call! No previously scheduled time needed.