PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: iAdvise News of the Week – Reminder – New students are now accessing iAdvise – update your Biography and Overview!

The iAdvise Project Team has a tip for you:

Reminder - check your profile and your title to make sure that new incoming students are getting the information you want them to have in your profile and general overview!
New students are now accessing Online Orientation and iAdvise. Don't forget to reivew your Institutional Profile text for your title, your biography, and your general overview. Remember that there is no HTML language in those paragraphs.

Ensure that new students can see how your role and what to expect when working with you! According to our campus guidelines, please ensure that you are using equitable and inclusive language. A pro tip from one of our advisors - consider adding your preferred pronouns to your My Biography section. If your title is not long, you can consider adding it after your actual title.

Also, a reminder for staff members who also have student records in iAdvise, you may see your personal phone number in the system but those are not displayed to students!

If you need help from our iAdvise Helpdesk, please email iAdvise Web Link - OAD hosts iAdvise Open Hours EVERY WEEK and the hours are posted there - just come by and ask any question you want or give us a call! No previously scheduled time needed.