PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: I-MMAS Virtual Symposium “Creating a Sense of University Belonging for Latino/Latina Students” on 11/10!

The University of Illinois System's Illinois Mexican-American Students Initiative (I-MMÁS) program invites you to attend and share with others the information on the "Creating a Sense of University Belonging for Latino/Latina Students" Symposium being held on November 10th.

Creating a Sense of University Belonging for Latino/Latina Students
9:00AM - 1:00PM (CST)
Register Now

Our objective is to promote a sense of belonging among Latino/Latina students.
Sense of belonging is a context-based basic human need that consists of being an accepted member
of a group. It is associated with important life outcomes (e.g., academic performance, psychological wellbeing). We will learn about the nuances of developing a sense of belonging and evaluate aspects that have been successful within the University of Illinois System to creating a sense of belonging among Latino/Latina students.

I-MMÁS represents a culture of support, building pipelines for Mexican and Mexican American students, smoothing the path, and retaining as many talented students as possible. Building a network of collaborators. I-MMÁS is about partnering in collaboration with our colleagues in Mexico. I-MMÁS will enhance ongoing efforts by the System’s three Universities to increase Mexican and Mexican-American recruitment and expand their educational opportunities. The mission of I-MMÁS is to enhance educational, cultural, scientific, technical, and social collaborations among the University of Illinois System, Mexican academic institutions, and students, by building and sustaining a large-scale presence in education and research with participating institutions