PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: iAdvise News and Tips – Early Alerts being entered in iAdvise and Upcoming Dashboard Release
The iAdvise Project Team has news and a tip for you:
Updated iAdvise Dashboard Coming Soon! - Updates to your iAdvise Dashboard are coming during the week of February 8th. There will be no interruption in service for users so you need not do any updates. The features of this new dashboard can be seen for staff users primarily in the Profile Area. When the dashboard is updated, staff users will be notified and updated resources for navigating and entering information in the Profile area will be included on the website.
Early Alerts now being entered in iAdvise - Early Alerts are already being entered in iAdvise. The website is updated with Spring 2021 information to assist advisors, but we're keeping last week's tips here for you:
- Remember, you can change the view in your Tracking Menu by using the "View" dropdown! There are a number of options but one that is particularly helpful is the Flag Inbox. Although Early Alerts do include To Do's, the Flag Inbox can help to isolate your view when Early Alerts begin.
- You can filter for specific Early Alerts Flags and To Do's - if you are looking to target your interventions for students receiving particular types of alerts, you can filter for specific alters in the Tracking Menu.
- Comment on Early Alerts Flags and To Do's to record activity - If you are taking action on alerts, comment on the flags and to do's to indicate actions taken. One easy way to do that is to hover over the flag icon or checkbox icon and click "Comment."
If you need help from our iAdvise Helpdesk, please email iAdvise Web Link - OAD hosts iAdvise Open Hours EVERY WEEK and the hours are posted there - just come by and ask any question you want or give us a call! No previously scheduled time needed.