PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 5th Annual Urban Native Education Conference – Call for Proposals

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The Chicago American Indian Community Collaborative (CAICC) is pleased to announce that the Call For Proposals for the 2021 Fifth Annual Urban Native Education Conference is now open.  The virtual conference will take place May 14-15, 2021.

Our conference theme this year is Living Our Values Towards Health & Healing. The theme acknowledges the ways in which our values shape and support our individual, family and communities’ health, wellbeing and healing, specifically during a pandemic. At the core of many Native American and Indigenous communities are the values known as the 4 R’s – relationships, reciprocity, responsibility, and respect. In what ways do these values influence how we build, support, care, teach, learn and lead? How has this pandemic helped to ground us in what’s important?

We invite Native American and Indigenous community leaders, knowledge keepers and scholars, students, educators, youth, administrators, helpers and staff of educational programs, organizations and institutions, from Chicago-land (Checagou) and beyond, to join us at the 5th Annual Urban Education Conference.


For more information and proposal instructions please visit:

Deadline: April 2, 2021

A special miigwech to Le'Ana Asher for permission to use her art, Cones. Learn more about Le'Ana's art here: