FOR ADVISORS’ INFORMATION: Tips and information from Summer Session regarding Summer Session 2020! Update on summer grading policies…

There is an update on the summer grading policies - there will be no changes for Summer 2020, the standard grading policies remain in place. The Summer Session website is regularly updated with information.


Now that the campus has determined that this summer’s courses will be exclusively online, here are some tips that will help you help students:

  • Be aware that summer registration, which opens on Wednesday, April 15, will open for all students at 9 am. Since we won’t have the benefits of staggered registrations via a Time Ticket schedule, this may cause some student frustration on Wednesday.
  • All changes to summer courses (additions, cancellations, increased seat capacity) will be finalized and visible in the schedule by Wednesday, April 15. We realize this coincides with the day registration opens.
  • Departments are working on making sure the course information displayed in the schedule indicates which online courses might have synchronous meeting times. These courses will have days and times but an online location.
  • We expect to have summer tuition and fee information available by Wed. April 15., but will provide further information as available.
  • Summer Pell will continue to be available to Pell eligible students provided that they register for at least 5 credits.
  • There may be questions related to summer grading and updates will be shared as decisions are made.
  • Although fall registration is actively in progress, some students might be holding off registering for fall until they determine their summer plans. Also, some students might be experiencing registration issues for fall because they haven’t been able to register for a prerequisite in summer like they normally would and may seek assistance.