Our Mission and Purpose

The Mission of our combined three offices is: Heading link

Student success comprises the core of Advising Development and Student Systems’s mission, which is to shepherd the development, implementation, and maintenance of the frameworks, systems, and data that provide optimum support for students and collaborative student-facing work by the university’s staff and faculty.

To provide the UIC undergraduate community with:

• Resources for advisors/coaches promoting academic success
• Opportunities for advisor and coaches to be recognized and develop professioanlly
• The coordination of the systems and data for student-facing work
• Management of the system that networks the campus to provide unified student services
• A place for students to seek resources and ask questions to get connected

UIC's Advising Mission Statement Heading link

The mission of academic advising at the University of Illinois at Chicago is to ensure successful undergraduate educational experiences. Academic advising is centered in the colleges. The larger advising network assists students with making the transition to college life and guides their informed decisions about the academic priorities, progress, and goals integral to completing degrees and preparing for careers.

Office of Advising Development Statement of Purpose

The mission of academic advising at the University of Illinois at Chicago is to ensure successful undergraduate educational experiences. Academic advising is centered in the colleges. The larger advising network assists students with making the transition to college life and guides their informed decisions about the academic priorities, progress, and goals integral to completing degrees and preparing for careers.

The Office for Advising Development is committed to ensuring that students and advisors have an optimum advising experience in this cooperative endeavor.

  1. Transition and first-year advising should be mandatory, more holistic, specialized, and professionalized; more centralized than current college-specific models; and supported by central resources;
  2. Student/advisor ratios should meet national standards allowing longer advising face-time;
  3. Advising should support the development of and continued attention to four-year (when possible) graduation plans, and it should support realistic course choices;
  4. Advisors should work in concert with each other, which would be facilitated by a campus-wide shared electronic database;
  5. Advisors should work in concert with faculty partners to ensure effective “early alerts” that can identify students in trouble and send them to the right resources;
  6. First-year seminars should be implemented for all new students with a strong advising component.

These principles are outlined in the initial draft plan for student success:

A Conceptual Framework for Promoting Access to Excellence and Success
October 10, 2012

The Office of Student Systems Services (OSSS) was formed to provide ongoing coordination and continuity between the UIC campus and the University’s central enterprise systems support organizations once the implementation of the university’s ERP system was completed in 2004. OSSS supports the UIC campus administrative and college units, faculty, and students in their use of UI-Integrate/Banner and related student systems. OSSS objectives are to maximize the benefits of UI-Integrate/Banner; interact with the university’s Administrative Information Technology Services (AITS) and other central systems support organizations; advise and alert other administrative areas on potential impacts; coordinate system usage and changes; manage system upgrades; and create, support, and maintain UIC-specific ancillary systems.

iAdvise is UIC’s integrated planning and advising system, which facilitates communication among advisors, integrates student success information, and incorporates Early Alerts to enhance advising and student success.

Powered by Starfish, iAdvise will enhance the opportunity for advisors, faculty, student resources providers, and students to work together for success.

The implementation of iAdvise is currently under way as a partnership between the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs and Academic Programs and the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic and Enrollment Services.